Tag: Movement Composition’

“My First Workout” – Formative Assessment, Movement Composition / Health & Fitness

 - by Mihai Catrinar

The Snakes and Safaris had created and performed their first workout! In this clips they show you their own choices and suggestions for a fabulous workout that you can try at home! 


Grade 2 Movement Composition

 - by Eduardo Cary

The Unit of Inquiry of Grade 2 for this term was Forces, their central Idea was “Understanding the properties of forces allows people to make practical applications”.  In Physical Education we’ve integrated the Unit by exploring movements that can express the Forces that were studied in class. Students were involved in making a video that demonstrates the first stage of their movement composition, their final performance will happen on the 25th of June. Hope you enjoy the video!!


Grade 3 – Movement Composition

 - by paularego

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The Central idea of the arts unit was People express their ideas, feelings and culture through the arts. During this unit we’ve developed a better understanding of the central idea and lines of inquiry by using dance to express different feelings and ideas. This was a great collaboration not only between Physical Education and the home room teacher but also between specialist teachers. We’ve used the Music provided by Mr. Fernando that children worked with during music lessons, the backdrop of our dance was a great mural that Miss Catherine and the children produced also exploring the four feelings being worked. All the work culminated in a performance where using music, dance and artwork helped children express the four feelings being developed during the UOI in what I consider to be a very successful manner.