Orienteering at Aspire Park

 - by Dalila Rodrigues

As part of the Physical Education final assessment on the integrated Unit of Inquiry on “Our Place In The World”, Grade 3 pupils started this year’s Academic Year doing Adventure Challenge. Over the course of the last six weeks, pupils learnt about Cross-country and Orienteering in the city. Pupils learnt techniques of how to read maps, and how to rotate maps in relation to details observed around them.

During the Adventure Challenge activities with a focus on goal setting, causation, responsibility, and teamwork, pupils improved their communication skills and individual responsibilities when working as part of a team.

1UoI Adventure Challenge G3 Montagem Blogue

On Tuesday the 27th of October, Grade 3 pupils did their Orienteering Course in Aspire Park. This experience facilitated pupils’ understanding on how Orienteering in the City varies from Orienteering in a more natural terrain.

Thirty-four pupils were split into four groups, and completed the Orienteering Course A or B. Throughout the course, composed of ten check-points, pupils had to respond to questions in reference to details they could observe on the landscape. On two check-points pupils had a chance to exercise using the gymnasium equipment available at Aspire Park.

Despite the heat, pupils enjoyed the outdoors and natural setting of their P.E. activity. In their own words, pupils reported to have enjoyed: “The fun thing was finding the ‘ckeck marks’.”; “We had lots of fun when we played on the sports equipment.”; “I could read the map and rotate.”; “It was very fun because, we rolled down the hill.”; “My favourite part was the C.P. number 5 because, it was fun counting meters from the TV to the bench.”; “I really liked when we were doing exercise.”


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